Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Life hurts some days. There are a few things going on here that are making me a bit sad right now. Effort feels unrewarded. I'm trying to take in a lot of new information that my poor stuck-in-maternity-leave brain isn't coping with. Feeling close to the limits of my ability to manage everything.

Many of these things are beyond my control. Of course, in my stressed state, I want to control them.

It's one of those times where I need to lean on the One who is stronger than I am. But strangely enough, for me these are the times when I always seem to want to do it all myself.


Sarah said...

Sorry to hear that, Karen.

I can so relate to learning to lean on God right now. I think it's a lifelong process for all of us.


Ben McLaughlin said...

i'll pray Karen