Thursday, April 8, 2010

Scary parenting moments...

Liam is home again, he's very quiet and a bit sleepy. It's disconcerting since he usually talks non-stop. At the moment we have short bursts of chat followed by long silences, which I think is normal with concussion. He has the ugliest black eye I've ever seen, it's so swollen he can't open it and it has stitches all around it. I'm not good with blood so I'm not looking forward to having to put ointment on it when Chris goes back to work tomorrow.

We were planning to head to the beach for a few days next week. Now we have to see the doctors on Monday so they can decide if the fracture in his eye socket needs surgery (still too much swelling to see). We are praying we can still go.

I guess it's a normal reaction but when Aidan went to get his bike out today, I felt tense. I wouldn't let him ride at all yesterday. We live in a cul de sac so the worst thing I ever thought might happen was that one of our neighbours might not see the kids riding around as they were driving in or out of their driveways. We trained the boys to watch out for cars and they have been great at getting out of the way when someone is coming or going.

It was scary feeling so helpless and knowing that we couldn't make it better, most of the time we can fix things for our kids but this time we needed help. It reminded us that all we can do in these situations is trust God. Aidan and I said lots of prayers for Liam yesterday while we waited at home to hear what was happening. And it also reminded us that we should always be trusting in God and not ourselves, not just at frightening times like this.

The outcome could have been much worse so I am so thankful to God for the doctors' skill in handling the situation and that they think the long term outlook is fine for him.

Yesterday while I tried to stay calm, I was reading Simone and friends' interesting discussions on sin here and here and in too many other places to link to. I don't think I've analysed sin to the depth that they have although I am currently reading a book called "Respectable Sins" which is giving me some uncomfortable moments...but it also reminds me constantly of how amazing God's grace is.

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