Friday, February 24, 2012

The ongoing challenge of evangelism

Chris had a great conversation about Christianity with a work colleague yesterday and gave him a copy of The Essential Jesus to read (he keeps a copy in his desk drawer for sharing with other people). The rest of his day was frustrating for many reasons, but he was really pleased to have had such a good chat about Christian things with somebody in his workplace.

As for me...well, I get excited when I work up enough courage to mention to someone that I go to Bible study every week. I told a friend this yesterday when we caught up for coffee. I think she knew I went to church but I haven't mentioned Bible study to her before.

Sigh. I've got such a long way to go with all this stuff.

But if you are interested you can download a copy of The Essential Jesus here. It's really worth reading if you're wanting to know more about Christianity. And there are lots of good courses you can do too. Our church is running Christianity Explored right now. Our Bible study group did this last year. It's excellent.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

As for me...well, I get excited when I work up enough courage to mention to someone that I go to Bible study every week. I told a friend this yesterday when we caught up for coffee. I think she knew I went to church but I haven't mentioned Bible study to her before.

Me too! Thanks for writing that. I feel encouraged that I'm not alone and that we can all spur each other on in this.