My blood sugars aren't going too well. 7.5 after breakfast this morning. Normal level is below 6.5. And my fasting sugars, that I take when I first wake up in the morning and that I can't control by altering my diet, are staying well above the normal level.
If this doesn't improve, I will be adding an endocrinologist to the list of appointments I need to go to in the next few weeks. And maybe some insulin injections as well.
I feel sad. This is probably the point at which my last pregnancy started to go pear-shaped as well, although I didn't realise at the time since I had my gestational diabetes test later in the pregnancy last time around. I wish my body could just do things the right way so I don't have to feel anxious about things going wrong again.
And I know it's not the right way to feel as a Christian, but I also feel frustrated that other women can have pregnancies that aren't complicated. I wish I could lose these bitter feelings, I know it's wrong to have them, but today I'm struggling a bit with them.
Sadly, I probably can't even go and have a coffee/morning tea with a friend to have a good cry about it. Seeing grossly oversized muffins and cakes (>2 carbohydrate serves so off the agenda for the time being) and large mugs of coffee aren't going to cheer me up.
Please pray (as I need to myself) that I can accept what's happening and not stress too much. Stressing about it won't help and it probably will make things worse.
From the mixed news front, Aidan won his grade section of the spelling bee this morning. Great to see him do such a good job of getting the words correct, but now we have to learn a whole bunch of different words for the regional final in three weeks' time. Not so excited about that part of it.